Course Description
ΥΠΙ8 - Medical Information Technology and Telemedicine
Code: ΥΠΙ8
Title Course: Medical Information Technology and Telemedicine
Semester: 2nd
Category: REQUIRED (Medical Informatics)
Lecture hours: 3
Instructor: Spyropoulos (ΤΕΙ-Α)
Course web page: http://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/D451/
Course Description:
1. The 21st Century Hospital: Biomedical Technology, Medical Informatics and Medical Decision-making.
2. Contemporary Medical Inference Models.
3. Electronic Health Records, Medical Guidelines and Evidence-based Medicine (The Greenes - Shortliffe Model).
4. Laboratory Information Systems.
5. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems and the DICOM quasi-Standard.
6. Computer-integrated Interventional Medicine (Surgical “Robots”).
7. Information Technology in Transfusion Medicine.
8. Medical Procedures Cost Estimation Methods and Software.
9. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs).
10. The modern Telemedicine: Home-Care Information Technology Systems.
11. Nursing-Informatics: Codifications and Software.
12. Medical Information Retrieval Systems: The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and the employment of ICD-9/10, SNOMED etc. Medical Codifications.
13. Semantically Annotated Web-Services and the employment of the Health Level Seven (HL7) and Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) quasi-Standards.
14. Liability issues related to Decision Supporting Systems in Medicine and Continuous Digital Medical Education. [Previous page]
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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Informatics and Telecommunications