Course Description
ΥΠ7 - Image Processing and Analysis
Code: ΥΠ7
Title Course: Image Processing and Analysis
Semester: 2nd
Category: REQUIRED
Lecture hours: 4
Instructor: Kalatzis (ΤΕΙ-Α), Asvestas (ΤΕΙ-Α)
Course web page: http://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/D450/
Course Description:
Medical Imaging systems, principles of operation, imaging process, medical image quality. Medical image enhancement, restoration, compression, tomographic reconstruction, algorithms for tomographic reconstruction. Image analysis, edge detection and linking, segmentation, morphological image processing, Color based image processing and analysis applications to proteomic and microarray images, Video processing and tracking. [Previous page]
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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Informatics and Telecommunications