Course Description
ΕΠ3 - Biomedical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Code: ΕΠ3
Title Course: Biomedical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Semester: 3rd
Category: ELECTIVE
Lecture hours: 3
Instructor: Karkaletsis (Demokritos), Gunopulos (NKUA)
Course web page: http://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/D455/
Course Description:
Information Extraction (IE) techniques enable the identification of documents related to a given subject (e.g. scientific articles on allergies), extract predefined types of information from documents that have been identified (eg data allergens) and store the exported information.
The goal of Data Mining (DM) is to reveal or produce functional knowledge through the analysis of data such as the data extracted by an IE system, or data stored in other ways in databases. IE combines natural language processing technologies for document analysis, machine learning to adapt new tools to IE thematic areas, and knowledge management for the representation of knowledge of the relevant thematic area and the use of the various stages of IE. DM combines the machine learning and statistical analysis techniques for learning classifiers and predictive models from data.
Over the course will present IE and DM techniques applied on biomedical data through relevant case studies. Students of the program will also use various IE and DM tools and apply them on biomedical data. [Previous page]
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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Informatics and Telecommunications