Course Description
ΕΠ2 - Real Time Systems
Code: ΕΠ2
Title Course: Real Time Systems
Semester: 3rd (For the academic year 2011-12 the course will be taught during the spring semester)
Category: ELECTIVE
Lecture hours: 3
Instructor: Maroulis (NKUA)
Course web page: http://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/D454/
Course Description:
Introduction and fundamentals of real-time systems (definitions, requirements, properties, predictability-determinism, reliability). Techniques and development tools, analysis, design. Data flow diagrams (events, transforms, control), state diagrams (states, transitions, conditions, actions), entity-relationship diagrams (entities, relationships, objects, rules). Accompanying documentation, event list, behavioural models. Modelling, processor architecture (specifications, evaluation, requirements, multithreading, hyperthreading, interfaces, control processes). Real-time operating systems. Software modelling (architecture, processes, parallelism, security, evaluation). Modern architectures and advanced data acquisition methods in real-time biomedical systems. Software development for real-time biomedical applications, performance analysis and optimization. Network and internet real-time applications in the field of telemedicine. Practical applications, focusing on the acquisition, processing and analysis of biomedical data for providing assistance in medical diagnosis. [Previous page]
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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Informatics and Telecommunications