Course Description
ΕΠ12 - Computer Modeling of Biomolecules
Code: ΕΠ12
Title Course: Computer Modeling of Biomolecules
Semester: 3rd
Category: ELECTIVE
Lecture hours: 3
Instructor: Cournia (BRFAA)
Course web page: -
Course Description:
This interactive course will introduce students to the principles and applications of biomolecular modeling, and pinpoint how biomolecular problems, such as computer-aided drug design and protein folding, are being currently addressed by computational techniques. The students will be taught fundamental concepts of both basic and applied biomedical science using a highly interdisciplinary approach.
Course Objectives: The seminar focuses on several areas in which computer modeling is having a direct impact: 1) Protein structure and folding, 2) Membrane structure and membrane proteins, 3) Protein Dynamics, 4) Computer-aided drug design, 5) Enzymes as molecular machines.
Students who take this course will:
1. Reinforce and deepen their understanding of fundamental biological concepts.
2. Gain hands-on experience with modeling tools and techniques.
3. Gain a window into modern methods of scientific research and drug design principles.
4. Understand the power of molecular modeling for science.
5. Build a foundation for future study in medicine, pharmaceutical industry, etc.
Requirements: This course is intended for medical or science Master's students who are interested in the impact of molecular modeling in natural sciences and medicine. Students should have a good understanding of biological concepts (Biology, General Chemistry). [Previous page]
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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Informatics and Telecommunications