Course Description
ΕΠB7 - Advanced Biotechnology
Code: ΕΠB7
Title Course: Advanced Biotechnology
Semester: 3rd
Category: ELECTIVE (Bioinformatics)
Lecture hours: 3
Instructor: Sanoudou (BRFAA), Garbis (BRFAA)
Course web page: http://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/D466/
Course Description:
The course is aiming at presenting the main principles of advanced genomics and proteomics technologies, the most important applications of these technologies in research and clinical practice, and the key bioinformatical questions / needs that arise. Towards these goals the lectures cover topics including: advanced concepts on LC-MS based quantitative proteomic methods, multidimensional liquid chromatography, ionization methods, mass analyzers, interpretation of tandem mass spectra, advanced fluorescent in situ hybridization methodologies, DNA microarrays, advanced microarray applications, knock-out and transgenic animal models, siRNA and miRNA principles, as well as data extraction, processing, archiving and distillation. [Previous page]

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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Informatics and Telecommunications