Kalyvas Nektarios
Assistant Prodessor
Instit.: TEI-A
Tel: (+30) 210-5385319
Personal Web Page: http://www.bme.teiath.gr/en_staff_Kalyvas_Nektarios.html
Short Bio:
He was born in 1971 in Athens. He studied Physics in the Department of Physics of the University of Patras GREECE. He got his MSc (1997) and his PhD (2002) in Medical Physics from the Univesrity of Patras GREECE. He has worked (2002-2003) as a Physicist/Analyst at Inracom (Division of AXE software). He has worked as a Medical Physisist in Greek Atomic Energy Commission (2003-2010) at the Department of Licensing and Inspections. Since 2010 he works at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Technological Educational Institute of Athens, where in 2014 became an Assistant Professor.
His research interests are experimental and theoretical evaluation of X-ray scintillator detectors as well as image quality of complete imaging systems. In addition his research interests include dosimetry in diagnostic Radiology applications. He is an author of 53 peer-review journal papers and 81 presentations in scientific conferences. He is a reviewer in 3 international scientific journals.

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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Informatics and Telecommunications