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Spyropoulos Vasileios
Instit.: ΤΕΙ-Α
Tel: (+30) 210-5385335
e-mail: basile [at] teiath.gr
Personal Web Page: http://www.bmtl.bme.teiath.gr και http://www.teiath.gr/stef/tio/staff_Spyropoulos_Vassilios.html | |
Short Bio: | |
Vasileios (Basile) P. Spyropoulos, born in Thessaloniki, Greece on August 5th, 1953, received a B.Sc. Degree in Physics, from the University of Athens, Greece in 1976, and a Ph.D. Degree in Medical Physics from the Universities of Heidelberg and Saarland, Germany, in 1982. He received Professional Specialty in Radiation Protection and Technology of Medical Accelerators (Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Mannheim, 1982) and in Medical Physics (Fachkunde der Deutschen Gesellschaft fόr Medizinische Physik - DGMP, Gφttingen, 1982) in Germany, he was awarded the Hospital Physicist Specialty (Ministry of Health, 1983), and he was certified as Expert Responsible in Radiology Protection Programs (Greek Atomic Energy Commission, 1993), in Greece. He held positions in the ISR Division of CERN, Switzerland, in the Radiology and Clinical Chemistry Institutes of the Medical School of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, he was Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department of the Public Enterprise for Hospital Construction, Athens, Greece, and he served as Patent Examiner, in the European Patent Office, Munich, Germany. Since 1987, he is full Professor of Biomedical Technology, in the Medical Instrumentation Technology Department, of the Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens, Greece and he served or still serves as Visiting Professor in the National School of Public Health, Athens, Greece, University of Patras Medical School, Greece, National School of Public Administration, Athens, Greece, Greek Army Medical Corps Applications School, Athens, Greece, University of Athens Department of Informatics, Greece, University of Heidelberg Medical School, Germany, Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, National Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics Institute (NIKHEF), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, University of Crete, Greece, Nuclear Physics Laboratory (NPL), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, and Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, USA. He leads the Biomedical Technology Laboratory of TEI of Athens, encompassing activities related to Health-Care Information Technology, Biomedical Technology and Hospital Management, Medical Decision Supporting Systems, and Radiological Protection Methods and Policies. Over 250 contributions in International and National Conference Proceedings with Referral System and in International Scientific Journals. |